Human Capacities Mentoring

What if the need for change is an invitation to change the perspective?

Sentiment builds through Sentient Movement.
Our process of inquiry is raw and radical - Focusing on the emergent nature of deep, transformational insights.

Categorically, we provide individual and team mentoring in the following human capacities:

Book your free consultation, to discuss your needs within the changing business environment

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Testimonials about our Facilitations & Coaching:

Finnish wellness entrepreneur

“The most relaxing workshop ever!”

Finnish marketing entrepreneur

“That was powerful. I definitely gained new perspective.”

“Great! I got immediate distance to all the hassle going on, and the business challenge I’ve been pondering became clear.”

Finnish sustainability entrepreneur

Portuguese social entrepreneur

"Wow. A near-death experience, surrendering brought new wordless wisdom. Powerful, like a plant ceremony."

Finnish sustainability-leader

“Huh, now I am not bound with what used to be.”

“Powerful! Session brought clarity and peace.”

Finnish social entrepreneur

“Good combination of team-building and crystallizing our strategy moving forward.”

Finnish sustainability entrepreneur

“Working together helped me and my team to clarify the next steps of our business & it gave me strength to grow towards the unknown.”

Finnish well-tech entrepreneur

“Amazing sense of shift and new neural patterns opening!”

Finnish coaching-entrepreneur

Estonian Biotech-entrepreneur

“Our session helped us to actually center ourselves and get us more one page. So the session had way more impact than you can imagine!”

German coaching-entrepreneur

“Such a clarity comes out of these sessions!”